Why choose an electric car on the Motability Scheme?

Support with charging
We can support you with home or public charging. We’ll arrange and cover the cost of a home charge point and a standard installation, or offer you a subscription to a network of public charge points.
Lots of long-range vehicles
We have lots of long-range electric cars to choose from. Many of these have a battery range of over 250 miles. This would get you from Edinburgh to Manchester on a single charge.
Our worry-free package
We’ll give you a Motability Go Charge card, to help you charge on the go. And we’ll arrange your insurance, servicing and MOT, and breakdown cover.
Electric vehicles (EVs)
- Charging Solution
- Typical journeys and annual mileage
- How much charging will cost you.
- Charging cables and storage
- Apps and Technology
- Drivers Under 25
We want to make sure you can switch to an electric vehicle (EV) with confidence, when you’re ready.
If you’re leasing you're first fully electric car on the Motability Scheme, we’ll support you with a charging solution.
What do you need to consider before making the switch?
How and where you’ll charge your EV! Motability offer three types of charging solution for customers leasing their first fully electric car on the Motability Scheme:
- A home charge point with standard installation at no additional cost*
- Motability Go Charge, giving access to over 45,000 charge points with a single card and app
- A subscription to the bp pulse on the go charging network for the duration of the lease
*Non-standard installations (e.g. requiring ground works) may require additional costs to be covered by the customer.
If you are not the homeowner, you'll need written permission from the homeowner to have a charge point installed.
Zapmap is a great tool that you can use to plan your journeys and find charge points on your route.
Having a home chargepoint is the most convenient and cost-effective way for charging your vehicle. But being on the right tariff can help keep your costs even lower. It is always best to shop around and make sure you’re on the best tariff for you! You should also speak with your energy provider about making the most of cost-effective charging times.
Some customers find it difficult to lift and store their charging cables. So we sure can offer a test-charge during the application process to see if you'll be able to be confident in knowing you can store and lift your cable when you should need it.
To get the most from your EV, you will need to download apps on to your smartphone or tablet. Manufacturer apps will help you manage your vehicle’s features, while third party apps (such as Zapmap) can help you find available charge points and plan your journeys.

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